February 26th, 2010:
The Board of the Western Australian Science Fiction Foundation Inc. ('WASFF') is aware of community concern regarding the safety of its members at its events.
The Board is actively working on measures to ensure every SwanCon attendee can expect to enjoy a safe experience at the 2010 and future conventions. This includes putting in place policies and mechanisms to deal with current concerns and future contingencies.
We are following the directions given by our members at the 2009 AGM, and are actively encouraging community input into actions such as a statement of values and expanding membership by-laws. These actions will improve the ability of the Board to act appropriately on incidents of concern. There is a mandated consultation period in implementing these relevant changes to our by-laws.
We ask for some community understanding on the time it has taken and will take to achieve these. WASFF is an incorporated body. This ensures that events such as SwanCon can be organised effectively. It also means that the Board is bound by the laws of Western Australia and has to consider these when making decisions and changes to these by-laws. This does not always allow the Board to make decisions within the fastest timeframe.
The Board would like to make the following points clear.
We aim for all WASFF events to be places where all of our members may enjoy themselves safely. We would like all members to consider the way they act at our events and be aware of not just their rights but the rights of the other attendees. We expect decent respectful behaviour. Antisocial behaviour will not be tolerated. Members are reminded that WASFF events may be open to public participation and members are expected to behave appropriately and according to the law.
Antisocial behaviour may result in expulsion from the event, exclusion from all WASFF events and legal repercussions.
The Board is especially proud of the achievement of SwanCon, its 35-year history, and does not view favourably any occasion where any past or present member acts in a manner that exposes WASFF to public ridicule or contempt or otherwise prejudice the conduct of its activities or the satisfaction of its objectives.
If a member feels that they cannot attend an event and act in an appropriate responsible manner, we strongly suggest that member reconsider their attendance.
The WASFF Board.
Doug Burbidge (Chair), Elaine Kemp (Treasurer), Russell B. Farr (Administrator), Jaunita Landéese (elected board member), Sarah Parker (elected board member), Julian Ackermann (elected board member), Paul Raj Khangure (Swancon 2009 representative), John Green (Swancon 2010 representative), Alisa Krasnostein (Swancon 2011 representative), Rohan Wallace (Immediate Past Chair).
March 21st, 2010:
Swancon, in the Montana B room on Monday the 5th of April, 9:30am.
0A. Last call for nominations for the Board of WASFF
0B. Last call for bids for the WARSFC for 2012
1. Apologies
2. Consideration of Minutes of the previous AGM
3. Matters arising from the previous AGM
4. Reports
Membership Co-ordinator
SwanCon 34 2009
SwanCon 35 2010
SwanCon 36 2011
5. Appointment of Auditor
6. Planned suspension of standing orders. Motion on notice: restructure. Planned resumption of standing orders.
7. Appointment of a Returning Officer
8. Election of Organising Committee of the Western Australian Science Fiction Convention (SwanCon 37 2012)
9. Election of Members of the board of WASFF (6 elected positions)
10. Remaining Motions on Notice
11. General Business
Bids for Swancon 2012 must received by the chair before the start of the meeting. A bid form is available for download:
http://wasff.sf.org.au/files/Convention Bid Form.doc
Nominations for the 6 elected positions on the WASFF board must be
received by the chair before the start of the meeting.
Please take note of the following new by-laws:
27.1 Only Ordinary and Associate members may take core committee positions on a WARSFC organising committee. Other persons may take non-core positions, but they are not be officers of WASFF and shall not be regarded as having any authority to act or speak on behalf of WASFF or the convention organising committee, unless doing so on behalf of a core position. Core positions include: Convenor, Treasurer, Secretary, Guest Liaison, Venue Liaison and Program Co-ordinator.
27.2 Candidates for convention organising bids shall disclose to the AGM whether they have any criminal convictions and whether they have been bankrupt.
28.1 Candidates for board positions shall disclose to the AGM whether they have any criminal convictions and whether they have been bankrupt.
There are two motions on notice. One is a motion to promote a set of by-laws adopted by the board concerning memberships and rules for refusing membership and/or renewal, to the status of regulations. They are attached. The second is a proposal to restructure the WASFF board and to implement a Conventions Steering Committee, as a sub-committee of the board for planning for and co-ordination of
Swancons. This proposal is also attached. (This is attached a second time as a set of marked up changes.) We intend to suspend so much of standing orders to deal with the restructure before the election of board members and bid since the restructure affects this election and will change the way in which Swancons are organised.
If you wish to stand for a position on the board under one set of rules but not the other, please nominate before the meeting, and if necessary your nomination can be withdrawn. Those bidding for the Swancon 37 2012 should also be mindful that if adopted, the restructure will change the manner of organisation of Swancons, with the proposed Steering Committee having a role in planning, co-ordination and approvals.
April 10th, 2011:
Swancon, in the Freshwater Bay room on Sunday the 24th of April, 9:30am.
0A. Last call for nominations for the Board of WASFF
0B. Last call for bids for the WARSFC (i.e. Swancon) for 2013
Meeting opens.
1. Apologies
2. Consideration of Minutes of the previous AGM
3. Matters arising from the previous AGM
4. Reports
Convention Steering Committee Co-ordinator
SwanCon 35 2010
SwanCon 36 2011
Swancon 37 2012
5. Appointment of Auditor
6. Appointment of a Returning Officer
7. Election of Organising Committee of the Western Australian Science
Fiction Convention (SwanCon 38 2013)
8. Election of Members of the board of WASFF (3 elected positions)
9. Motions on Notice
9.1. That the following regulation be added:
11 Board members
11.1 Candidates for board positions shall disclose to the AGM whether they have any criminal convictions and whether they have been bankrupt.
9.2. That clauses 6.11 - 6.11.3 inclusive of the constitution be repealed as no longer applicable.
9.3. That the following be adopted as regulations: Appointment of and Replacement of Convention Organising Committee Members -- see attachment for full wording.
10. General Business
Bids for Swancon 2013 must received by the WASFF chair (me) before the start of the meeting. Guidelines and a bid form are available:
Nominations for the 3 elected positions on the WASFF board must be received by the WASFF chair (me) before the start of the meeting.
If you'd like to see the existing constitution, regulations and by-laws, they're at:
When looking up numbers, remember that numbering restarts for each of the three sections, so be sure to look at the correct 6.11 (or whatever).
-- Doug Burbidge
March 24th, 2011:
At Swancon, in the Goldsworthy North room of the Pan Pacific on Sunday the 8th of April, 10:00am.
0A. Last call for nominations for the Board of WASFF
0B. Last call for bids for the WARSFC (i.e. Swancon) for 2014
Meeting opens.
1. Apologies
2. Consideration of Minutes of the previous AGM
3. Matters arising from the previous AGM
4. Reports
Convention Steering Committee Co-ordinator
Swancon 36 2011
Swancon 37 2012
Swancon 38 2013
5. Appointment of Auditor
6. Appointment of a Returning Officer
7. Election of Organising Committee of the Western Australian Science Fiction Convention (SwanCon 39 2014)
8. Election of Members of the board of WASFF (3 elected positions)
9. Motions on Notice: nil
10. General Business
Bids for Swancon 2014 must received by the WASFF chair (Doug Burbidge) before the start of the meeting. Guidelines and a bid form are available:
Nominations for the 3 elected positions on the WASFF board must be received by the WASFF chair (Doug Burbidge) before the start of the meeting.
If you'd like to see the constitution, regulations and by-laws, they're at:
-- Doug Burbidge
June 24th, 2012:
As you may know, due to the resignations of Tom Eitelhuber and Amanda Rainey there are currently two vacancies on the WASFF board.
I personally thank both Tom and Amanda for their service, both on the board and in other parts of our community.
But it means that there are two spots to fill on the WASFF board, and then one spot to fill on the Convention Steering Committee.
The ideal board should represent our community and all its diversity, so if there's a particular interest that you think is under-represented, we'd love to hear from you.
Anybody who is interested in one of those WASFF board spots, please send a short resumé to me or to wasff (at) sf.org.au. Our next board meeting is next Sunday, July 1st, and we hope to appoint new board members at that meeting.
Once the board is topped up, we'll hold an election within the board to fill the Convention Steering Committee vacancy.
Of course, you can help us in other ways: volunteer at a con or before a con -- if you have skills you think would be relevant to programming, marketing, fundraising, awards, masquerade, art show, front desk, logistics, or anything else, or you'd like to learn, then we'd love to hear from you.
-- Doug Burbidge
At Swancon, in the Provence room of the Ibis Styles hotel in Northbridge on Sunday the 31st of March, 10:00am.
0A. Last call for nominations for the Board of WASFF
0B. Last call for bids for the WARSFC (i.e. Swancon) for 2015
Meeting opens.
1. Apologies
2. Consideration of Minutes of the previous AGM
3. Matters arising from the previous AGM
4. Reports
Convention Steering Committee Co-ordinator
Swancon 37 2012
Swancon 38 2013
Swancon 39 2014
5. Appointment of Auditor
6. Appointment of a Returning Officer
7. Election of Organising Committee of the Western Australian Science Fiction Convention (SwanCon 40 2015)
8. Election of Members of the board of WASFF (5 elected positions; 2 for shorter terms)
9. Two Motions on Notice:
That sections 5.4 to 5.6 of the regulations be amended to read:
5.4 An amount shall be set by the board from time to time for the purpose of setting a level at which two authorised officers are required to make a payment from a financial institution account, including back accounts and payment processor accounts (such as Paypal). Any payments at or under this amount require authorisation from only one authorised officer. Payments from a financial institution account over this amount may only be made by two authorised officers. Transfers between accounts are not regarded as payments for the purpose of this and the next regulation, and may be authorised by one authorised officer.
5.5 Payments shall only be made by the authorised officers when such payment have been authorised by the board, or by a committee to which the board has delegated authority to authorise certain payments. WASFF shall not make payments other than as authorised by these Regulations.
5.6 The board shall from time to time determine at least two authorised officers with authority to operate financial institution accounts. At least two authorised officers for each account shall be board members.
, and that a new section be added:
5.13 Any payment from the funds of WASFF shall be made in a way that leaves an auditable record.
Moved: Rohan Wallace; seconded: PRK.
That the existing By-Law be renumbered to and a new be inserted to say: Marketing Coordinator:...
and that By-Law 4.23.1 be amended to:
4.23.1 In this section the persons appointed to the executive positions of Convenor, Convention Treasurer, Convention Secretary and Marketing Coordinator are referred to as executive members. Ordinary committee members are members of the organising committee other than the executive members. Ordinary committee positions are Venue Liaison, Guest Liaison and Programme Co-ordinator and any other specific position created by the Convenor.
Moved: PRK
10. General Business
Bids for Swancon 2015 must received by the WASFF chair (Doug Burbidge) before the start of the meeting. Guidelines and a bid form are available:
Nominations for the 5 elected positions on the WASFF board must be received by the WASFF chair (Doug Burbidge) before the start of the meeting.
If you'd like to see the constitution, regulations and by-laws, they're at:
-- Doug Burbidge
April 6th, 2014:
At Swancon, in the Provence room of the Ibis Styles hotel in Northbridge on Sunday the 20th of April, 10:30am.
0A. Last call for nominations for the Board of WASFF
0B. Last call for bids for the WARSFC (i.e. Swancon) for 2016
Meeting opens.
1. Apologies
2. Consideration of Minutes of the previous AGM
3. Matters arising from the previous AGM
4. Reports
Convention Steering Committee Co-ordinator
Swancon 38 2013
Swancon 39 2014
Swancon 40 2015
5. Appointment of Auditor
6. Appointment of a Returning Officer
7. Election of Organising Committee of the Western Australian Science Fiction Convention (Swancon 41 2016)
8. Election of Members of the board of WASFF (3 elected positions)
9. Three Motions on Notice:
That in section 2 of the constitution, “Objectives of WASFF”, all four instances of "science fiction" be changed to "speculative fiction".
Moved Stephen McGlone, seconded Cathy Cuppitt.
That by-law 1.1 be changed to read: “ADDITIONAL OBJECTIVES: The objectives of WASFF shall also cover speculative fiction, fantasy, horror, fan writing, fan art, fan remix culture, and cosplay in the same way that it covers science fiction. This is not intended to be an exclusive list.”
Moved Stephen McGlone, seconded Cathy Cuppitt.
That regulation be changed from "Convenor:..." to "Convenor(s):..."
Moved Samara Morgan.
10. General Business
Bids for Swancon 2016 must received by the WASFF chair (Doug Burbidge) before the start of the meeting. Guidelines and a bid form are available:
Nominations for the 3 elected positions on the WASFF board must be received by the WASFF chair (Doug Burbidge) before the start of the meeting.
The first two motions on notice are intended to be starting points for discussion rather than take-it-or-leave-it. Further, they're expected to be mutually exclusive: if we pass one, we won't pass the other.
Attached are past minutes, plus a series of accounts for both the 2012 and 2013 calendar years. I will only bring a limited number of paper copies of these reports to the meeting, so if there's a particular one you're interested in, bringing your own copy may be recommended.
If you'd like to see the constitution, regulations and by-laws, they're at:
-- Doug Burbidge
WASFF 2013 AGM Minutes
Financial Accounts
May 16th, 2014:
As the WASFF 2014 AGM did not appoint a Swancon 2016 convention committee, the Board was directed to canvass the community and form a subcommittee to run Swancon 2016.
This is that canvass. Feel free to forward this to other parties who you think might be interested.
We will be accepting submissions from full or partial prospective committees, as well as submissions from individuals interested in one or more positions.
First, here are the details and bid form on our website, to let you know the bidding requirements:
Note that this form includes some of the legalese from the WASFF Constitution (http://wasff.sf.org.au/constitution) -- things that you (if you are a successful committee member) will be committing to.
If you are a prospective convenor and you're submitting a bid that includes a complete or partial committee, please download this form, fill it in, and submit a copy to us electronically. You don't need to sign the copy you forward to us electronically -- we'll handle that at a later point in the process, as needed.
If you're an individual rather than part of a committee bid, you don't need to forward us the form, but you should be familiar with it.
There's a Wiki article on the positions and roles that previous convention committees have had, which may be of use to you:
Prospective committees need not fill all of these positions.
Along with the form, please give us a text submission about you and/or your bid. Here is what we'd like you to address in your submission:
* If you are a prospective convenor: your vision for Swancon 2016 (including theme, style, conceptual wish-list of guests and alignment with our values statement - http://wasff.sf.org.au/values).
* If you are a prospective convenor and you're submitting a bid that includes a complete or partial committee, a list of the other people on your team.
* For all prospective committee members: the role(s) you are interested in, your Swancon experience, your community experience, your skills and life experience relevant to the role(s) you're interested in, and your expected workload over the next couple of years.
* For all prospective committee members: any challenges you may face which may need additional attention and support if successful.
* For all prospective committee members: a statement declaring whether you have any criminal convictions and whether you have been bankrupt (this does not disqualify you from running).
* For all prospective convenors or individual applicants: an email address and/or telephone number you can be contacted with.
* Any other relevant factors that you believe should be declared and/or that speak to the suitability of your submission.
Submissions are open now, and will close at 11:59pm AWST on Saturday the 31st of May, 2014.
Please submit via email to swancon-2016@swancon.com.au
Following the submission closing date, the Convention Steering Committee will review submissions and make recommendations to the WASFF board. (The CSC is made up of three WASFF Board members, the past, the present and [usually] the future convention convenors, and a couple of other interested parties as non-voting observers.)
The WASFF Board will arrange a date to meet short-listed applicants to discuss their submissions face to face.
The CSC and the Board will then jointly make a decision, notify the successful and unsuccessful applicants, and then notify the community.
The successful convenor will also be provided with the names and contact details of anyone who applied individually, to consider for their committee.
We hope to complete this process by mid to late June.
Any questions or requests for clarifications about this process or the submission requirements can also be emailed to swancon-2016@swancon.com.au
Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favour! :)
June 15th, 2014:
The WA Science Fiction Foundation (WASFF) Convention Steering Committee (CSC) is pleased to announce that an organising committee for Swancon 41 (to be held in 2016) has been appointed.
Following a community canvass and call for submissions, the CSC evaluated responses and made recommendations to the WASFF Board which then met to review the responses and appoint a bid.
The Swancon 2016 organising committee is convened by Isobel White, with Evan Beasley as Secretary, Jack Bridges as Treasurer, Sarah Parker as Marketing Coordinator, and Lyndon "Frames" White as Programme Coordinator in addition to a number of other committee members in varying positions.
The theme for Swancon 2016 will be Modern Speculative Fiction and Contemporary Fantasy, and will likely be held over Easter (March 24th - 28th) 2016.
The WASFF Board and CSC congratulate Isobel on her committee's proposal, and look forward to working with her and her committee over the coming years.
(CSC Chair)
March 22nd, 2015:
At Swancon, in the Hamersley room of the Pan Pacific hotel in Perth on Sunday the 5th of April, 4pm.
0A. Last call for nominations for the Board of WASFF
0B. Last call for bids for the WARSFC (i.e. Swancon) for 2017
Meeting opens.
1. Apologies
2. Consideration of Minutes of the previous AGM
3. Matters arising from the previous AGM
4. Reports
Convention Steering Committee Co-ordinator
Swancon 39 2014
Swancon 40 2015
Swancon 41 2016
5. Appointment of Auditor
6. Appointment of a Returning Officer
7. Election of Organising Committee of the Western Australian Science Fiction Convention (Swancon 42 2017)
8. Election of Members of the board of WASFF (3 elected positions)
9. Two Motions on Notice:
That the AGM direct the board undertake to review the structure and process of the CSC and report at the 2016 AGM.
That by-law 6.13 be amended to read:
6.13 Eligible voters for the Tin Duck Awards are members of the current WA Regional Science Fiction Convention including attending and supporting memberships, or are teen attendees as defined in regulation 9.3.2.
10. General Business
Bids for Swancon 2017 must received by the WASFF chair (Doug Burbidge) before the start of the meeting. Guidelines and a bid form are available:
Nominations for the 3 elected positions on the WASFF board must be received by the WASFF chair (Doug Burbidge) before the start of the meeting.
Attached are past minutes.
If you'd like to see the constitution, regulations and by-laws, they're at:
-- Doug Burbidge
March 13th, 2016:
At Swancon, in the Hamersley North room of the Pan Pacific hotel in Perth on Sunday the 27th of March, 4pm.
0A. Last call for nominations for the Board of WASFF
0B. Last call for bids for the WARSFC (i.e. Swancon) for 2018
Meeting opens.
1. Apologies
2. Consideration of Minutes of the previous AGM
3. Matters arising from the previous AGM
4. Reports
Convention Steering Committee Co-ordinator
Swancon 40 2015
Swancon 41 2016
Swancon 42 2017
5. Appointment of Auditor
6. Appointment of a Returning Officer
7. Election of Organising Committee of the Western Australian Science Fiction Convention (Swancon 43 2018)
8. Election of Members of the board of WASFF (3 elected positions)
9. Motion on Notice:
That by-law 6.13 be amended to read:
“6.13 Eligible voters for the Tin Duck Awards are members of the current WA Regional Science Fiction Convention including attending and supporting memberships, or are teen attendees as defined in regulation 9.3.2.”
and that in regulation, “Teen attendees do not have voting rights, but may attend and observe the AGM.” be amended to read “Teen attendees do not have voting rights, except with regard to awards, but may attend and observe the AGM.”
10. General Business
Bids for Swancon 2018 must received by the WASFF chair (Doug Burbidge) before the start of the meeting. Guidelines and a bid form are available:
Nominations for the 3 elected positions on the WASFF board must be received by the WASFF chair (Doug Burbidge) before the start of the meeting. Please note that we desire a new person for the Administrator (i.e. secretary) role, which involves taking minutes at approximately 7 board meetings per year plus the AGM.
If you’d like to see the constitution, regulations and by-laws, they’re at:
Attached are past minutes.
If you'd like to see the constitution, regulations and by-laws, they're at:
-- Doug Burbidge
April 2nd, 2017:
At Swancon, in the Swan Room White at The Metro hotel in Perth on Sunday the 16th of April, 4pm.
0A. Last call for nominations for the Board of WASFF
0B. Last call for bids for the WARSFC (i.e. Swancon) for 2019
Meeting opens.
1. Apologies
2. Consideration of Minutes of the previous AGM
3. Matters arising from the previous AGM
4. Reports
Convention Steering Committee Co-ordinator
Swancon 41 2016
Swancon 42 2017
Swancon 43 2018
5. Appointment of Auditor
6. Appointment of a Returning Officer
7. Election of Organising Committee of the Western Australian Science Fiction Convention (Swancon 44 2019)
8. Election of Members of the board of WASFF (3 elected positions)
9. Motion on Notice:
That Anthony Peacey be made a life member. Moved: Jack Bridges; seconded: Doug Burbidge.
10. General Business
Including a discussion of constitution changes, to be brought at next year's meeting. (No vote is intended this year.)
Bids for Swancon 2019 must received by the WASFF chair (Doug Burbidge) before the start of the meeting. Guidelines and a bid form are available.
Nominations for the 3 elected positions on the WASFF board must be received by the WASFF chair (Doug Burbidge) before the start of the meeting. Please note that we desire a new person for the Treasurer role.
The constitution, regulations and by-laws are online.
Last AGM's (draft) minutes are available.
-- Doug Burbidge
16 March, 2018:
At Swancon, in the West Grand River room at The Pan Pac hotel in Perth on Sunday the 1st of April 2018, 4:30pm to 7:30pm.
Note that that “special resolutions” will be proposed to alter the constitution.
0A. Last call for nominations for the Board of WASFF
0B. Last call for bids for the WARSFC (i.e. Swancon) for 2020
Meeting opens.
1. Apologies
2. Consideration of Minutes of the previous AGM
3. Matters arising from the previous AGM
4. Reports
Convention Steering Committee Co-ordinator
Swancon 42 2017
Swancon 43 2018
Swancon 44 2019
5. Appointment of Auditor
6. Appointment of a Returning Officer
7. Election of Organising Committee of the Western Australian Science Fiction Convention (Swancon 45 2020)
8. Election of Members of the board of WASFF (3 elected positions)
9. Motions on Notice: please see attached PDF. Here is a brief summary:
Motion R1: that the constitution be amended as follows…
Motion R2: that the regulations be amended as follows…
Motion M1: that the constitution be changed to the following…
Motion R3: that clause 6.3 of the constitution be amended as follows…
Motion R4: that the objectives of the constitution be amended to add…
Motion R5: that the following new clause be added to the constitution…
Motion R6: that the regulations be amended by adding…
Motion R7: that Ordinary by-law 1.16 be amended as follows…
10. General Business
Bids for Swancon 2020 must received by the WASFF chair (Doug Burbidge) before the start of the meeting. Guidelines and a bid form are available.
Nominations for the 3 elected positions on the WASFF board must be received by the WASFF chair (Doug Burbidge) before the start of the meeting. Please note that we desire a new person for the Treasurer role.
The constitution, regulations and by-laws are online.
Last AGM's (draft) minutes are available.
-- Doug Burbidge
At Swancon, at The Esplanade hotel in Fremantle on Sunday the 21st of April, 4pm.
0A. Last call for nominations for the Board of WASFF.
0B. Last call for bids for the WARSFC (i.e. Swancon) for 2021
Meeting opens.
1. Apologies
2. Consideration of Minutes of the previous AGM
3. Matters arising from the previous AGM
4. Reports
Convention Steering Committee Co-ordinator
Swancon 43 2018
Swancon 44 2019
Swancon 45 2020
5. Appointment of Auditor
6. Appointment of a Returning Officer
7. Election of Organising Committee of the Western Australian Science Fiction Convention (Swancon 46 2021)
8. Election of Members of the board of WASFF (3 elected positions)
9. Motions on Notice:
Motion 1: Membership fee amendment
There is some concern over the clarity of fees and whether the constitution allows for different types of membership that may have different fees. The proposal below is to address these concerns.
That constitution text:
6.1 The Board shall determine the annual membership fee to be paid for membership of WASFF.
be replaced with with new text:
6.1 The Board shall determine the annual membership fee to be paid for each category of membership of WASFF.
Moved: Brian Johnson; seconded Rohan Wallace.
Motion 2: Membership approval amendment
Some people feel the current membership provision does not provide for different types of membership fee for different classes of membership, and as soon as one paid the fee the person became a member, without permitting any vetting or acceptance process.
This flaw could allow a person that the organisation deems undesirable as a member to become a member, without the ability to refuse them membership.
The proposal below is to address these issues.
That constitution text:
5.1.1 Membership is granted or renewed upon payment of the appropriate membership fee described in section 6.
be replaced with new text:
5.1.1 Membership is granted or renewed upon payment of the membership fee for the respective category of membership, subject to acceptance or re-acceptance according to the by-laws.
Moved: Brian Johnson; seconded Rohan Wallace.
10. General Business
Bids for Swancon 2021 must received by the WASFF chair (Doug Burbidge) before the start of the meeting. Guidelines and a bid form are available.
Nominations for the 3 elected positions on the WASFF board must be received by the WASFF chair (Doug Burbidge) before the start of the meeting. Please note that we desire a new person for the Treasurer role.
The constitution, regulations and by-laws are online.
Last AGM's (draft) minutes are available.
Immediately after the AGM is a board meeting which fills the chair, treasurer and administrator roles from the nine board members. Please note that the current chair is not intending to stand for chair again.
-- Doug Burbidge
22 August 2020:
This year's AGM notification is a Google document:
The text is pasted below, but bear in mind that the Google document is the official announcement.
Online via Discord on Saturday the 12th of September, 4.30 pm.
0A. Last call for nominations for the Board of WASFF
0B. Last call for bids for the WARSFC (i.e. Swancon) for 2022
Meeting opens.
1. Apologies
2. Consideration of Minutes of the previous AGM
3. Matters arising from the previous AGM
4. Reports
Convention Steering Committee Co-ordinator
Swancon 44 2019
Swancon 45 2020
Swancon 46 2021
Worldcon bid committee
5. Appointment of Auditor
6. Appointment of a Returning Officer
7. Election of Organising Committee of the Western Australian Science Fiction Convention (Swancon 46 2021)
8. Election of Members of the board of WASFF (4 elected positions)
9. Motions on Notice: none.
10. General Business
Due to a retirement from the board, 4 positions are available rather than the usual 3. The fourth position is for a 1-year term. Nominations for the 4 elected positions on the WASFF board must be received by the WASFF chair (Jack Bridges) before the start of the meeting.
While we usually ensure that there are enough candidates to fill the Board positions by chatting to people at the convention, that will not happen this year. If you would like to see the board with all nine positions filled, please consider nominating, or check with Jack to see how many nominations he has received.
Note that the board currently has an unfilled executive position, as Treasury is vacant. If a new board member wished to fill the Chair or Administrator role, then this would potentially free either of the current executive board members up to focus on Treasury.
Bids for Swancon 2022 must be received by the WASFF chair (Jack Bridges) before the start of the meeting. Note that no bid was accepted in 2019 for Swancon 2021, so the CSC are directly running Swancon 2021, with help from a variety of people (notably co-convenor Sarah Parker). The CSC have expressed that they do not plan to do this twice in a row, so a Swancon in 2022 is dependent on a successful bid.
Guidelines and a bid form are available:
Due to the pandemic, the meeting will be held via the Swancon Discord server. To join, follow this link: https://discord.gg/mRBVacu. Note that if you have not successfully used voice on the Swancon Discord server before, the conservative assumption would be that it will not work first time. You should attend one of our onboarding sessions: Saturday 5th September, 1pm to 5pm; Sunday 6th September, 1pm to 5pm; Saturday 12th September, 1pm to 3:30pm. Volunteers will be on hand at these times to help you debug problems. If you can't get into Discord at all, contact the administrator (Doug Burbidge) at dougburbidge@dougburbidge.com, or via 0422937176 during an onboarding session.
We recommend using a Discord app (on a smartphone, tablet or PC) rather than Discord's web interface.
To join the set of AGM channels (both AGM Official and AGM Discussion) you will need to have push-to-talk configured in Discord. See for example https://appuals.com/enable-configure-push-talk-discord/ for a guide to configuring this. Participants can ask to speak via the text chat.
We usually provide paper copies of last minutes and previous year's financials. We will not do that this year. Please use the below links:
Swancon 2019 Receipts and Payments complete https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LAzOfYCELJSwbp1TF2pVwsfblyATAAWt/view
Swancon 2020 Receipts and Payments complete https://drive.google.com/file/d/12If08cvV8jMrBDwPUaA2QiGzrxEgWkcb/view
Swancon 2021 Receipts and Payments to date https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jdJu3HnNBDVyGxdQ8KDJxMDtg1Mcdlvc/view
Overall Receipts and Payments FY2019 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nW6xWtHFrfnBPSxELk4JJgahzpMysYbV/view
If you'd like to see the constitution, regulations and by-laws, they're at:
Last AGM's (draft) minutes are at:
http://wasff.sf.org.au/files/2019-04-21 WASFF AGM minutes.pdf
In-progress minutes will be available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d07c3LFoXY2aX44spyaRrEkR8V90YFvBoMRY... for those who would like to read along.
Bids and Board nominations can be sent to Jack Bridges before the AGM at jacklanebridges@gmail.com
24 May 2021:
At Swancon 2021 in Duxton 2 and online via (probably) Zoom 4pm Sunday 6th June.
0A. Last call for nominations for the Board of WASFF
0B. Last call for bids for the WARSFC (i.e. Swancon) for 2022
Meeting opens.
1. Apologies
2. Consideration of Minutes of the previous AGM
3. Matters arising from the previous AGM
4. Reports
Convention Steering Committee Co-ordinator
Swancon 2020 The Con That Didn’t Run
Swancon 45 2021
5. Appointment of Auditor
6. Appointment of a Returning Officer
7. Election of Organising Committee of the Western Australian Science Fiction Convention (Swancon 46 2022)
8. Election of Members of the board of WASFF (3 elected positions)
9. Motions on Notice: none.
10. General Business
Nominations for the 3 elected positions on the WASFF board must be received by the WASFF chair (Jack Bridges) before the start of the meeting.
This year, the con will be running in a blended mode, with some people attending in person and some people online. While we usually ensure that there are enough candidates to fill the Board positions by chatting to people at the convention, that may be harder to create this year with the blended mode. If you would like to see the board with all nine positions filled, please consider nominating, or check with Jack to see how many nominations he has received.
Bids for Swancon 2022 must be received by the WASFF chair (Jack Bridges) before the start of the meeting. Note that no bid was accepted in 2019 for Swancon 2021, so the CSC are directly running Swancon 2021, with help from a variety of people (notably co-convenor Sarah Parker). The CSC have expressed that they do not plan to do this twice in a row, so a Swancon in 2022 is dependent on a successful bid.
Bidding guidelines are: http://wasff.sf.org.au/swanconbidding
Bid form is here:
At prior in person AGMs, we have provided written copies of past minutes and financials. Since it is now the future, we do not plan to do this this year. We will show these on projector screen during the meeting; they are available via the links in this notice for those who wish to follow along on their device during the meeting, and anyone who wants a paper copy is welcome to follow those links and print their own copy prior to the meeting
We usually provide paper copies of last minutes and previous year's financials. We will not do that this year. Please use the below link:
If you'd like to see the constitution, regulations and by-laws, they're at:
Last AGM's (draft) minutes are at:
In-progress minutes will be available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jYevlMOXj8GMEONksnE5S2kBpbADnwRKkjee...
for those who would like to read along.
Bids and Board nominations can be sent to Jack Bridges before the AGM at jacklanebridges@gmail.com
Jack Bridges
Due to COVID lockdown, the below AGM notification is obsoleted. It is incorrect as to date, and possibly location and other details. We will send a fresh AGM notification in future. The most likely outcome is that Swancon will move to a new date later in 2021, and we will hold an AGM as usual at Swancon. It's also possible that we will hold an online AGM at an earlier date.
10 April 2021:
At Swancon in Duxton 2 and online via (probably) Zoom 4pm Sunday 25th April.
0A. Last call for nominations for the Board of WASFF
0B. Last call for bids for the WARSFC (i.e. Swancon) for 2022
Meeting opens.
1. Apologies
2. Consideration of Minutes of the previous AGM
3. Matters arising from the previous AGM
4. Reports
Convention Steering Committee Co-ordinator
Swancon 2020 The Con That Didn’t Run
Swancon 45 2021
5. Appointment of Auditor
6. Appointment of a Returning Officer
7. Election of Organising Committee of the Western Australian Science Fiction Convention (Swancon 46 2022)
8. Election of Members of the board of WASFF (3 elected positions)
9. Motions on Notice: none.
10. General Business
Nominations for the 3 elected positions on the WASFF board must be received by the WASFF chair (Jack Bridges) before the start of the meeting.
This year, the con will be running in a blended mode, with some people attending in person and some people online. While we usually ensure that there are enough candidates to fill the Board positions by chatting to people at the convention, that may be harder to create this year with the blended mode. If you would like to see the board with all nine positions filled, please consider nominating, or check with Jack to see how many nominations he has received.
Bids for Swancon 2022 must be received by the WASFF chair (Jack Bridges) before the start of the meeting. Note that no bid was accepted in 2019 for Swancon 2021, so the CSC are directly running Swancon 2021, with help from a variety of people (notably co-convenor Sarah Parker). The CSC have expressed that they do not plan to do this twice in a row, so a Swancon in 2022 is dependent on a successful bid.
Bidding guidelines are: http://wasff.sf.org.au/swanconbidding
Bid form is here:
At prior in person AGMs, we have provided written copies of past minutes and financials. Since it is now the future, we do not plan to do this this year. We will show these on projector screen during the meeting; they are available via the links in this notice for those who wish to follow along on their device during the meeting, and anyone who wants a paper copy is welcome to follow those links and print their own copy prior to the meeting
We usually provide paper copies of last minutes and previous year's financials. We will not do that this year. Please use the below link:
If you'd like to see the constitution, regulations and by-laws, they're at:
Last AGM's (draft) minutes are at:
In-progress minutes will be available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jYevlMOXj8GMEONksnE5S2kBpbADnwRKkjee...
for those who would like to read along.
Bids and Board nominations can be sent to Jack Bridges before the AGM at jacklanebridges@gmail.com
Jack Bridges